What We Believe
The Constitution of Redeemer Lutheran Church contains this article as
The Confession of Redeemer Lutheran Church
This congregation accepts all the Canonical books of the Old and New Testaments as the inspired and revealed Word of God.
It likewise accepts all of the Symbolical books of the Lutheran Church as a clear and correct explanation of the Bible truths.
These symbols are:
The Three Ecumenical Creeds
The Apology of the unaltered Augsburg Confession
The Smalcald Articles
Luther’s Large Catechism
Luther’s Small Catechism
The Formula of Concord as contained in the Book of Concord of 1580
The Apostolic Creed
The Nicene Creed
The Athanasian Creed
The unaltered Augsburg Confession
The Nicene Creed
The Athanasian Creed
The Apology of the unaltered Augsburg Confession
The Smalcald Articles
Luther’s Large Catechism
Luther’s Small Catechism
The Formula of Concord as contained in the Book of Concord of 1580
According to this form, all doctrinal questions and controversies shall be judged.